See for yourself. Share what you see.

CytoSHOW is a novel client-server software system for data exploration. Based on the widely used and open source ImageJ (v1) image analysis platform, the CytoSHOW client program is freely available to the public ( It extends ImageJ to deal with several modes of microscopy data, and it interfaces with CytoSHOW server to traffic images on demand to and from remote storage locations. CytoSHOW server rapidly delivers image frames to your viewer, but only as they are specifically called upon by your exploration through the 4D data space. No data downloads save you hours and gigabytes. Yet, you have full access to browse and analyze the high-resolution images while you navigate entire image data set as if it were stored on your computer.

CytoSHOW also facilitates data annotation and sharing. In CytoSHOW, annotation tags can be created, displayed and shared. CytoSHOW also shares URL links that capture a precise moment, position, and angle of view. A collaborator who clicks a shared link automatically sees the exact same image/time-point/annotations, just as you were viewing it. But s/he can move beyond your scene to browse on and analyze the entire image data and tag set.